10th to 14th November 2025

Featured Sponsors

Filming Request

ITV filming request for World Nursery Rhyme Week 2021

Can you help?

ITV (in the UK) would like to film children singing nursery rhymes in an early years setting (Primary Schools, Nurseries, Preschools, or Childminders) for broadcast across the UK during the week of World Nursery Rhyme Week.

In addition, they would like to interview some school children and a teacher (ideally in the South West region) about their favourite rhymes and why singing rhymes is important.

Lastly, if you are a SALT, linguistics expert or child development expert (ideally in South West region), then do get in touch as ITV are also looking to interview an expert on the educational and developmental benefits of singing rhymes.

When will the filming take place?

Filming will need to take place on a weekday between 25th Oct – 3rd Nov 2021. The programme will then be broadcast on the 17th November, right in the middle of World Nursery Rhyme Week!

Which regions would they like to film in?

They are looking to film in one setting in each of the following regions:

ITV Anglia East (Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex)

ITV Anglia West (Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire)

ITV Central East (Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire)

ITV Central West (Birmingham and the West Midlands, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire)

ITV Meridian East (Kent and Sussex)

ITV Meridian West (Hampshire, Surrey, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire)

ITV Tyne Tees (Tyneside/Wearside, Northumberland, County Durham, Middlesbrough and Teeside)

 ITV Westcountry East (Bristol, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Somerset)

ITV Westcountry West (Devon, Cornwall and Dorset)

 ITV Calendar North (North Yorkshire, West Yorkshire)

ITV Calendar South (South Yorkshire, East Yorkshire, Humberside and Lincolnshire) 

I’m interested, what next?

Please could you complete the following no obligation form providing as much information as possible about your setting or area of expertise and your availability.

We will then forward this all onto ITV who will be in touch if needed. Thank you 🙂