11th to 15th November 2024

Featured Sponsors

Who can take part?

World Nursery Rhyme Week is a global initiative open to anyone around the world who has or works with or on behalf of children under the age of 7.

Parents, grandparents, teachers, home educators, childminders, SALT, librarians, preschools and nurseries all take part each year to focus on a fun week of nursery rhymes and singing.

WNRW Rhyme A Day Challenge

Each year, we focus on 5 different rhymes, and registrants receive a free pack of resources with supporting activities for each rhyme.

Our 5 official rhymes for 2023 were:

Jack & Jill

Hickory Dickory Dock

Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes

Row Row Row Your Boat

Wheels On The Bus

We can’t wait to announce 5 brand new rhymes for 2024. Check back soon.

We loved World Nursery Rhyme Week! Some of the  resources that I made are now used every day by the children singing along by themselves and becoming more confident with their words

Home Educator, Australia

Thank you for your passion and ideas to help develop nursery rhymes.

Abigail B

Nursery, United Kingdom